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CPSS Ethical Complaint Policy

SC SHARE takes ethical and professional complaints seriously and will investigate any report made against a Certified Peer Support Specialist by an employer, co-worker, fellow peer, or other entity.


To report a potential ethical violation, please follow the steps below:


  1. File a written report to SC SHARE naming the Peer Support Specialist, the perceived violation, date of the violation, witnesses, and any specific remedy sought by the reporting entity.

  2. Email the report to SCSHARE (

  3. Be sure to include your contact information so that a representative of SC SHARE can reach out to you to discuss the report.


**Please note that anonymous reports may be made, however, this type of report may limit SC SHARE’s ability to conduct a thorough investigation.**


How SC SHARE will follow up on the report:


  1. A representative from SC SHARE will follow up with the person reporting the violation within 72 hours of the report being made to acknowledge receipt of the report and begin the investigative process.

  2. SC SHARE will reach out to any named witnesses to the violation.

  3. SC SHARE will develop a report to be discussed with the SC SHARE Ethical Board and determine whether ethical violation(s) occurred.

  4. Once a determination has been made, SC SHARE will schedule a formal review with the Peer Supporter named in the report where the Peer Supporter will be provided an opportunity to engage in the review process.

  5. Concluding that meeting, the SC SHARE ethical review board will determine the most appropriate course of action.


Potential Outcomes:


  1. SC SHARE dismisses all action against the Peer Supporter.

  2. SC SHARE determines that the Peer Supporter should be placed on Probation for a period of no less than 3 months with a mandate that indicates the Peer Supporter attend training appropriate to the corrective action needed (i.e., ethics, communication, core values, etc.). The specific assignment(s) will include no fewer than 10 CEUs per required domain/topic (2 of the required CEUs must be provided by SC SHARE and none of the required 10 CEUs can be used towards the required 20 CEUs for recertification).

  3. SC SHARE revokes the Peer Supporters Certification for a period of no less than 3 years at which time the Peer Supporter may re-apply for Certified Peer Support Specialist initial training.


2201 Commerce Drive

Cayce, SC 29033


Phone:  803.739.5712

Registered Charity:  57-0936454 

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